What We Offer
Hypnosis - Hypnosis is NOT sleep. It is NOT mind control. It is NOT the weakening of the will. Click to learn more.
Octoenergetics© - Created by Dr. Andrew Neblett. The 4 body / 4 mind method of wellness.
Hypnosynergetics™ - Created by Arthur Fecteau. Harmonizing the body electric!
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) - Gary Craig's adaptation of Roger Callahan's TFT.
Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) - Bandler and Grinder's creation. How to model success and much, much more.
Natural Health Consulting - Helping the client to make right choices about their health.
Regression - Going to the past to create a better future.
Meridian Techniques - Think needleless acupuncture and meridian balancing.
Total Body Modification™ (TBM) - Balancing the organs of the body through reflex points.
Iridology - The thymus is actually the door to the soul but the eyes tell the long term story of the health of the body.
Aromatherapy - Essential oils for health and balance.
Process Coaching™ - Clearing mindsets that trap you.
Pastoral Consulting (Individuals, Couples, Families) - Spiritual, non-judgemental consulting for reconnecting and unification.
Spirit Release - Sometimes the problem is much greater than we realize....